Here's how we help investors acquire their 1st HMO Property generating a min £1,000+ profit every month, on autopilot.
(Without the need to run around, manage tenants, or do any maintenance)
Watch the video below
If you want our team to show you the model we've used to build a predictable high cashflow property portfolio, that pays £££'s every month,
Yes I’d like to acquire my first
£1,000+ per month HMO in 90 days
Here’s how we help clients acquire their first HMO property generating a minimum of £1,000+ per month on autopilot, within 90 days.
Hi I’m Rupert founder of AgentHMO, We specialise in helping investors acquire their first HMO that generates a profit, after all costs, of a minimum of £1,000 per month, through our specific HMO acquisition process.
Over the last 10 years we have developed over 100 HMOs of our own, from 6 bedroom house all the way up to 60 bedrooms blocks, and sold over 1,000 HMOs through our online marketplace, so when it comes to HMOs we done it all.
If you’re looking to get your first HMO up and running in the next 90 days, From identifying the right area, to sourcing the right property, to licensing to planning to management to raising finance, we can help you do it all, whilst avoiding all the common mistakes, most uneducated investors make.
So if this is something that interests you then book in using the link below. I look forward to seeing you on the call.
Yes I’d like to acquire my first
£1,000+ per month HMO in 90 days